Who we are
Founded in 2015, the firm emerged from the union of the efforts and experiences of Osvaldo Agripino de Castro Jr. and Adão Paulo Ferreira, both lawyers with extensive practice in the courts and professors of the University of Vale do Itajaí (Agripino holder of the chair of Maritime Law and Adão Port Law).
Headquartered in Itajaí, an important logistics hub in southern Brazil, Agripino & Ferreira Advogados offers specialized legal services in the field of Foreign Trade, covering mainly the fields of Maritime Law, Port Law and Customs Law.
The office has in its curriculum a series of important victories, both in the judicial sphere (maintaining intense performance in the superior courts in Brasília, as well as control bodies, such as the Federal Audit Court) and extrajudicial, highlighting the important contribution to the development Antaq’s Normative Resolution No. 18, heavily influenced by administrative processes carried out by importers and exporters advised by the firm.